Is Sam 18 yet???

When will Kiefer be 18???

When will Brendan be 18??

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kiefer is cleared to wrestle! Kiefer has gotten the go ahead from Dr. Wade, his toe surgeon, to continue activity without restrictions. This includes wrestling and he was so very happy to hear that news! So he used last week to get used to shoes again on both feet and to stretch a few times a day. He started wrestling practice again this week, and had 2 meets already with wins. He has a big conference meet this Saturday that will be an all day thing.
Dr. Wade had one request, and asked Kiefer to bring a signed picture to the office...winning of it can be hung in the office since he has yet to "get a wrestler on the wall." :)
So thought I would put up new pictures of his healed toe...since the last one made some of you ill!


  1. Good job Kiefer! Glad your back in the game!

  2. Good job, but please be careful as I have lots of things planned for this summer and they all involve being in shoes without crutches.
    Love you, Grandma

  3. Happy Birthday to two sweet boys that Grandma and Grandpa love very much.
