Is Sam 18 yet???

When will Kiefer be 18???

When will Brendan be 18??

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday, lazy Sunday :)

Today was a lazy day at home. Sam, Bren, and I did venture out for a short time to the store as we needed a few things; milk etc.
Needless to say we didn't stay out long and could only see a short distance in front of the car due to the ice fog.It is very pretty actually, but not fun to drive in. When Sam and I went into Fairbanks yesterday, if I didn't know where I was going I never would have found the mall. We couldn't even see it and we were right across the street.

So anyway, we all stayed in and didn't do much.

Sam and I watched "The Duchess" today. It was very good. I have to say I am so glad I decided to join Netflix. It is so easy to pick the movies we want, and when we are bored or waiting for a new movie to arrive I just sign in and can watch a movie on my laptop. The kids love it too. Very convenient.
Anyway I hope everyone has a great week. Love you all!

Partly Cloudy
H:-45° L:-49°


  1. You know I just love how our high is only 4 degrees warmer than the low and they are both miserable cold! And I never realized just how much you and Sam look alike. Very cute pic!

  2. I was just going to let you know that I just did my VS order and I got the 4.99 have to enter the promo code SHIP09 so if you didn't do that maybe you could call have them change it. Good luck and have a good day tomorrow!
