Well not a whole lot is new. Just normal everday life in Alaska. It has been up in the 40's here a few times this past week and I could hardly believe it. We are supposed to get another "cold snap" this coming week. It is nice to have the warmer weather, but after it being so cold the roads get pretty dangerous. It has been slow driving in the dark after work. Darin actually had a very near miss with a semi the other night, when he braked for a dumbass in front of him who changed his mind about turning and decided to pull in front of Darin again. Darin slid thru the median and into oncoming traffic in the path of a semi. Luckily our truck somehow swung around at the last minute and the semi flew past. I was just all goose bumpy when he told me and am so glad everything was ok. I can't imagine the tragedy and having to go on without him. Anyway, kids have been busy cleaning their caves this weekend. Wow their rooms get scary sometimes. I've been doing laundry ALL weekend! They must get down to the last pair of underwear and socks before they decide to visit the laundry room with a full basket! There is no school tomorrow for the holiday so the kids are happy about that. One more morning to sleep in for them. Hopefully I will have some new pics to post for you all soon. Love to all :)
As we start a new year, I thought it a good idea to make myself and everyone else I know to be more aware of things; illnesses, causes, etc. thatwe may not think much about. If you are someone who knows me well, one cause I have been involved in as much as possible is with animals. I have done a few “walk for the animals” for the Humane Society and I have also volunteered at an ASPCA shelter (which Samantha and I enjoyed doing together) So here I say THANKS again to many of you who made donations for our walks.
Another area or cause I try to do my part in deals with cancer. Our family as a whole has participated in The Relay for Life events in Fairbanks and really had a great time. I was lucky enough while in Washington to have a job I loved on “the cancer floor” of Tacoma General Hospital. Though many work days were sad, I also met wonderful people and their families and learned so much from that experience. Working with cancer patients taught me a lot.
So, I wanted to list some of the “Awareness Topics” for the month of January.
Today was a lazy day at home. Sam, Bren, and I did venture out for a short time to the store as we needed a few things; milk etc. Needless to say we didn't stay out long and could only see a short distance in front of the car due to the ice fog.It is very pretty actually, but not fun to drive in. When Sam and I went into Fairbanks yesterday, if I didn't know where I was going I never would have found the mall. We couldn't even see it and we were right across the street. So anyway, we all stayed in and didn't do much.
Sam and I watched "The Duchess" today. It was very good. I have to say I am so glad I decided to join Netflix. It is so easy to pick the movies we want, and when we are bored or waiting for a new movie to arrive I just sign in and can watch a movie on my laptop. The kids love it too. Very convenient. Anyway I hope everyone has a great week. Love you all!
I was tagged by Tiffany....so I hope you that see this do it and have some fun. It was easier but also harder than I expected!
Being computer stupid most of the time, if not all, I just copied and pasted to a new document, then did the same to put the info here. So that will be a good idea too for those of you who would like to send this to people thru your emails.
SCATTERGORIES.. it's harder than it looks! Link to this post, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people including the one that sent this to you.Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things. Nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial.. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question. And you can not use the same word twice.